We Are Winning



We are winning. We the people who refuse to back down, be quiet, or shut up. We, the soldiers, teachers, nurses, and entrepreneurs who will not be controlled or coerced. We the citizens, who show up day after day to remind our elected officials who they work for.

In the last month, I’ve been to a rally, a school board meeting, a county republican meeting, hosted weekly calls, assisted an organization virtually, and sent religious exemptions info to more people than I remember.

Through this, I’ve witnessed moms and dads, medical workers and pastors, who are united and determined. If you are discouraged, come to small town America, and let me show you the fire called the American spirit that is burning bright in the hearts of millions of Americans. No matter what the media calls them, they are strong, they are smart, and they will pay any price for freedom.

I personally know someone who recently sent in a religious exemption. The head of HR came to them and said “finally someone stood up! After I read your exemption, I went in and told our manager that I‘m done. I won’t participate in any incentives to get our employees vaccinated.” One moment of freedom births another. And another.

Week after week, I’ve witnessed firsthand the power of grassroots. Our team at @citizenpatriots has a willingness to learn, attend events, and spend countless hours defending this republic.

I’ve seen a joyful determination that we fight for what is right and true, and a gratefulness to be alive in these days. Every event I go to echoes the same resolve. Americans are coming, by the hundreds and thousands, to stand together for freedom.

And they fear us. The establishment media, the corporate oligarchs, the ruling elite, see us getting stronger. And they hear their own lies being exposed.

Together, if we resolve to never give up, to keep fighting for freedom, I believe, in the words of a president who inspired so many of us to join this fight, that “the best is yet to come.”


Sarah Burnett