Resources for Religious Exemptions




Under the First Amendment and employee code in the US, employers and military must offer a religious exemption. Many employers are hiding this from their employees, so if you haven’t been given information from your employer, request it from HR.

Religious exemptions need to be sincere personal conviction, religiously based, and well-researched. (It shouldn’t need to be that way, the First Amendment doesn’t have those specifications, but the ones that I have seen getting approved are those things).

OKHPR: I love this group! Membership is free and they are at the tip of the spear helping fight these mandates. Other states have similar groups as well, they often have “health freedom” in the name.

Here are links from the OKHPR website with info on exemptions: 
Sample examples

From the lawyers I’ve heard speak on it, a religious exemption is your best option. Liberty Counsel has some great resources on that.

More resources: America’s Frontline Doctors,  Sidney Powell, Alliance Defending Freedom, ICANFirst Liberty, YoderStand for Health Freedom, Documents with examples.

Other (unvetted) links: For United Solutions, Freedom Keepers United, Opposing Medical Tyranny,, Coffee & COVID, Firefighters 4 Freedom,,  

Vax Free Job board – Red Balloon

A pastor/chaplain’s (or both) signature will help you go much further in getting a religious exemption. If your pastor is unwilling to sign one, send us an email at and we can send some info your way :).

This is my podcast and I went over options from what I’ve learned from legislators/lawyers.

We are winning in the courts and litigation is well underway. There have been multiple court wins. The constitution still matters to the courts, and if we can ride it out, there’s a chance that all of it will be thrown out (two cases I have the info on –here, and here).


Three states now protect employee rights – Arkansas (SB 739), Montana (HB 702), Florida (no vax passports).

UPDATE – Gov Abbott (Texas) just signed an Executive Order (10/11/21) to protect employee rights and is asking the legislature to make it into a law.

People to contact:
1. Your governor for an executive order that employers can’t mandate the vaccine
2. Your state legislators and tell your story, ask them to help
3. There are attorneys who are looking to take on cases if you do get fired (,,

Resources for Military Members:

I’ve talked to two military members in OK:
1. Army chaplain confirmed yes write religious exemption letters, each case will be looked at, case by case exemption (looked at by surgeon general). Also, meet with their chaplain. Having the chaplain sign off helps your odds.
2. From Air Force: “I haven’t even seen anywhere black and white that says you will be kicked out if you don’t get it. There is a religious exemption process as well as an appeal process that is in place for service members.”

One of them got an early retirement approved. The other is working through the exemption process.

Regarding exemptions, it must be sincere (and they need to be able to sense that). I know of someone who got a philosophical exemption, so it’s worth the effort. I think you could use the language in the religious but your reasoning is not “religious” (although in a nation that has religious freedom, I would argue that we have freedom of conscience, whether personal or based in faith).

Here are the resources:

Database of Resources for Military
Children’s Health Defense
Info on follow-up questions re: exemptions

Notes from meetings I’ve attended:

Firing employees who do not take an “experimental” vax is a violation of the Nuremberg code (no forcing experimental, especially not the coercion part).

This is new ground, and there’s not much legal precedence yet.

Take the medical exemption (if you’ve had a vax reaction) or religious exemption (including something like “I’ve been given a spirit of sound mind, my risk is exceeded”), write out your case well, give them the opportunity to do the right thing. Get fired if necessary (do NOT resign), keep a paper trail (including all HR emails) – print/screenshot/forward emails to multiple devices/people. Don’t let them say it was a resignation – make it clear that you were fired.

One other point that was brought up was that if you do not challenge an unconstitutional law, it becomes law.

Everyone needs to be calling the governor’s office and asking him to do an executive order that says employers can’t fire based on vaccination status. Make it personal, tell your story.

A lawyer I heard speak said the courts are trying to make COVID 19 untouchable legally, and are doing it through corporations instead of law. The 5th Circuit judge dismissed a similar case (referencing the 1907 smallpox pandemic although the lawyer said the facts are a lot different). Part of the problem is the social pressure. (NOTE – since I heard this lawyer speak there have been multiple wins)

If you get fired, you can file for an injunction at the county level (have a better chance than at the federal level). Judges make discretionary decisions when there’s not precedence so who knows what happens.

Live it out your faith. They cannot discriminate against you on the basis of religion. In the entire process, lay the foundation for a lawsuit on religious freedom, because religious cases are put under greater scrutiny.

Tell us your story –



Sarah Burnett