Tell Senators to Vote NO on Infrastructure



The US Senate is pushing through a vote on the terrible infrastructure bill today (Tuesday). Call your senators and urge them to VOTE NO!

Pray for Sen. Hagerty as he continues to fight for the American people. He is the lone Senator who is standing…slowing down Schumer’s attempt to ram it through so that the American people can know what is going on. A vote on this bill is expected tomorrow morning.

Pray that Republicans would hold the line and refuse to support this bill. Call your senators (Switchboard: 202-224-3121) and urge them to vote no on the bill. The name of the bill is, “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” (H.R. 3684).

As terrible as the original bill is, the scariest part is they are expected to move to the Budget Reconciliation Bill this afternoon (that is the $3.5 trillion bill that has the PRO Act and Green New Deal in it) and Pelosi is saying when these bills reach the House, she is going to combine them.

For more on the stand that Sen. Hagerty is taking, read this article:

A large part of the reason we are in this position is because of 17 Republican senators who worked with Biden on this package. They need to hear from Americans that they must oppose this bill. These GOP Senators are:

Senator Blunt
Senator Burr
Senator Cassidy
Sen Capito
Senator Collins
Senator Cramer
Senator Crapo
Senator Graham
Senator Grassley
Senator Hoeven
Senator McConnell
Senator Murkowski
Senator Portman
Senator Risch
Senator Romney
Senator Tillis
Senator Young

Keep fighting for freedom!



Sarah Burnett